To start debugging create a simple PHP script with an error:
echo "<? echo phpinf(); ?>" > /var/www/vps.error.phpThis simple script mistakes phpinfo for phpinf (without the letter "o" at the end). This results in a fatal PHP error. The phpinfo functions dipslays some general information about your server and PHP environment. Details:
To debug this script look at the Apache error log.
tail -f /var/log/apache2/error.logDepending on your distribution the log location may vary and you might need root permissions to open the file. The error log will show you an error similar to this one:
PHP Fatal error: Unknown function: phpinf() in...The error log is a quick way to debug PHP errors. Default PHP installations will supress error messages so if you get a blank page or a half loaded page in your browser it might be worth checking your Apache error logs!